There’s something quite chilling about walking around a deserted jail, particularly one which closed so recently. But after its final inmates were transferred in 2013, HM…

A weekend in Bath When we were considering where to book for the next of our 12 Trips, my friends were shocked to discover I…

Choosing to stay at Breedon Hall in Derby I always find that the best places to stay are the ones where you feel most at…
Mr A and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. And it feels so weird to say that. How has it already been a year…
Our 48 hours in Nottingham came at a very busy time work-wise for Mr A and I and we badly needed a relaxing weekend. As…
A while ago I wrote about my first ever trip to Belfast and why I fell in love with the city. There was so much…
I’m always fascinated when I visit cities that have overcome turbulent pasts. Some places seem to let it define them, never quite able to shrug…
Usually by the time New Year rocks up I feel as though it was only yesterday that we were pulling party poppers and eating our…
Now that winter is officially here (sad face) I’m all about cosy weekends away and we had the perfect escape a few weeks ago when…