The Shard: A bird’s eye view of London

The Shard: A bird’s eye view of London

There is always something special about seeing a city from a different view point. No matter how long you spend tramping through its street, exploring…

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Shoreham Houseboats

Shoreham Houseboats

One of the best things about travelling is seeing how others live and I always love it when I come across people with alternative lifestyles….

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My favourite spots in Cardiff Bay

My favourite spots in Cardiff Bay

Cardiff is a city I visited a lot as a child and one of my favourite areas is now the bay, which has been undergone…

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Christmas in the country

This post comes a little late due to an enforced break from the Internet as the cottage we stayed in over Christmas had very little…

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A festival with a bang – Bonfire Night in the UK

One of my favourite things to do when travelling is to go to local festivals. I absolutely love seeing towns and cities come to life…

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