Travelling solo on Valentine’s Day: Five tips to enjoy the day

Travelling solo on Valentine’s Day: Five tips to enjoy the day

Updated: 30/01/24 Travelling solo on Valentine’s Day can be a weird feeling. In the past it was easy enough to ignore such events. But nowadays,…

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If We Can Do It, So Can You with Mariah Friend from The Barefoot Beat

A New Year always brings with it new resolutions and if you’re planning to travel more in 2014, especially if you’re thinking about travelling solo,…

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One year on…

It has now been a year since I landed back at Heathrow and returned home to a London that was in love with the Olympics. …

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I smile because I am different

I smile because I am different

I got thinking about this post after reading something a fellow traveller had written on Facebook about being laughed at by locals. Although this is…

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Burma: Stars In My Eyes

Burma: Stars In My Eyes

I think travelling solo in Burma is the closest I will ever get to knowing what it’s like to be a celebrity. Everywhere you go,…

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Too old to backpack it?

Too old to backpack it?

At home among some of my friends I’m affectionately (at least I like to think so) known as Granny Annie on account of my love…

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