Shoreham Houseboats

Shoreham Houseboats

One of the best things about travelling is seeing how others live and I always love it when I come across people with alternative lifestyles….

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My favourite spots in Cardiff Bay

My favourite spots in Cardiff Bay

Cardiff is a city I visited a lot as a child and one of my favourite areas is now the bay, which has been undergone…

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Christmas in the country

This post comes a little late due to an enforced break from the Internet as the cottage we stayed in over Christmas had very little…

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A festival with a bang – Bonfire Night in the UK

One of my favourite things to do when travelling is to go to local festivals. I absolutely love seeing towns and cities come to life…

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Food glorious food…in Berlin

It would be completely remiss of me to write about my trip to Berlin and not mention the food. As soon as we arrived in…

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A sign above the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall: Breaking down boundaries

I remember watching the TV as a small child and seeing the Berlin Wall being knocked down. It was 1989 and although I was young…

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Footy in Berlin

I’m not going to lie; somewhere I didn’t expect to end up on my visit to Berlin was at a football match. I don’t even…

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Berlin is…

For the last half an hour or so I’ve been sitting, staring at my computer screen, trying to come up with a word which sums…

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Reflections on a quiet year

Something happened the other day. I turned 31. Gulp. Can someone please tell me where the last year went? I’ve already written a piece about…

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A spring afternoon on Farndale Daffodil Walk

A spring afternoon on Farndale Daffodil Walk

Having grown up in Yorkshire, many of my childhood memories involve drives out in the countryside, afternoons spent following nature trails and endless hours of…

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