Exploring York - A holiday at home

Exploring York – A holiday at home

I remember when I first got back from my 30b430 trip. I was so used to looking at things through the eyes of tourist that…

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It could only happen to me - standing on a pig in Laos

It could only happen to me – standing on a pig in Laos

It had already been a stressful day. We were in the south of Laos, sitting in the boiling heat at the side of the road…

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Save so you can splurge

Save so you can splurge

As I mentioned in a previous post one of the big differences I noticed about travelling on my 30b430 trip, compared to the ‘traditional’ gap…

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How should I set a budget for my trip?

How should I set a budget for my trip?

Setting a budget for my trip It’s all very well getting super-organised about your saving but how should you go about setting a budget for…

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If We Can Do It, So Can You - Featuring Melissa Shearer from the mellybooproject.com

If We Can Do It, So Can You – Featuring Melissa Shearer from the mellybooproject.com

So it’s that time of the month when things can sometimes start to feel a bit rubbish. The excitement of New Year is over and…

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It Could Only Happen To Me - A transport downgrade in Burma

It Could Only Happen To Me – A transport downgrade in Burma

When you’re travelling long-term it’s inevitable that you’re going to have a few bumps and scrapes, along the way. Plans don’t always run smoothly, things…

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Is it possible to see the sights on a business trip?

Is it possible to see the sights on a business trip?

We all know what it’s like when you’re working. You leave the office late, battle your way home through the rush-hour crowds and get home…

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It Could Only Happen To Me - Becoming a local celebrity in China

It Could Only Happen To Me – Becoming a local celebrity in China

As a journalist I’m used to being the one asking the questions and staying out of the limelight. So it came as a bit of…

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What If?

What If?

There are few times over the last year when I’ve questioned what I’m doing. Travelling has always been the big love in my life so,…

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