There are some sights that no matter how many photos of them you’ve seen, it still absolutely takes your breath away when you see them…

There were many, many, things we loved about the ancient city of Ping Yao. From it’s oldy-worldy streets packed with Chinese tourists to its crazy…

The one thing I think most travellers would agree on is that visiting different countries makes you appreciate the life you have. Whenever I travel…

There are many traditional sights in China that can sum up the country in a snapshot for me: red lanterns lining streets filled with restaurants;…

I spent a week waiting in Beijing for two friends from home to arrive. Every day groups from the hostel went off to the Great…

N is for the National Centre for the Performing Arts Like it or loath it, the egg-shaped NCPA is an example of Beijing’s more modern…

Before coming to China I was really worried. The stories I’d heard about it from other travellers had not been promising. One girl summed it…