Burma: Stars In My Eyes

Burma: Stars In My Eyes

I think travelling solo in Burma is the closest I will ever get to knowing what it’s like to be a celebrity. Everywhere you go,…

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The trek to Pan Kam

The trek to Pan Kam

There have been many, many, great moments in Burma. Lots of which I’m sure I’ll bore you all with when I get home (feel free…

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Driving rules in Myanmar (Burma)

Driving rules in Myanmar (Burma)

Whoever came up with the saying: “Life is about the journey, not about the destination” had obviously been to Burma. The roads here are absolutely…

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#21 Drink tea in a Burmese teashop

#21 Drink tea in a Burmese teashop

I have come to the conclusion that in a previous life I must have been Burmese. It is the only explanation I can come up…

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