Birds at Spurn Point

Visiting Spurn Point: Everything you need to know

I’d been keen on visiting Spurn Point, ever since learning about the so-called Land’s End of Yorkshire. The peninsula, which curves between the North Sea and the Humber Estuary, is unique as it is constantly moving due to the tides. As it is a mixed landscape of sand dunes, grassland, mudflats and saltflats, it is an important sanctuary to many birds. Plus, it has a fascinating history and an award-winning lighthouse.

Who owns Spurn Point?

Spurn Point is managed by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. The charity runs the Spurn Discovery Centre, which is where you are likely to begin your visit. We found the staff there to be incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. They can provide you with a map of the area and recent bird sightings. (A huge number of wading and wildfowl birds pass through the site at various times of the year.) There are also information boards about the military history of Spurn Point. The peninsula was used as a base during the First World War. So it is still possible to see some of the barracks, gun emplacements and tunnels on a three-hour guided tour.  

There is a small cafe at the Discovery Centre, serving hot and cold snacks. If you bag a table near the window, you can enjoy lunch with a fantastic view of the peninsula.

Is Spurn Point worth visiting?

I definitely think Spurn Point is worth visiting, especially if you are a nature or history enthusiast. It is such a unique place and, despite being managed by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, still has quite a wild feel to it. We visited in February, when a brisk wind made it feel quite desolate, but I imagine on a summer’s day it would have a totally different feeling.

What I think is so fascinating about the site is the fact that it has such a unique landscape. This means that the peninsula can feel quite different, depending on which area you are in.

It’s a great place to explore with children, as there’s a sandy beach to play on, huge dunes to clamber over and plenty of wildlife to spot.

It also has an award-winning lighthouse, which is run by volunteers and is definitely worth visiting. You can either walk there or take one of the daily unimog tours.

How far is the walk to Spurn Point lighthouse?

The walk to Spurn Point lighthouse is 3 miles. It’s worth keeping in mind that the first third or so of the walk is over a sandy beach. This means it can be quite tricky for little ones or people with mobility issues. We actually carried our foldable pushchair across this bit and then our three-year-old had a ride when we got to the footpaths on the other side. 

Visiting Spurn Point lighthouse

It’s also important to check the tide times before you walk (the Discovery Centre can help with this) as sometimes the footpath gets cut off from the sea at high tide. In the unfortunate event that you are cut off, there is a little wooden hut you can wait in until the tide goes back out. 

Spurn Point lighthouse is the tallest in Northern England, at 128ft. It is usually open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and sometimes in the school holidays. (You can call the Discovery Centre in advance to check). Visitors can climb to the top and it’s a fun activity to do with children. It’s worth noting that baby carriers are not allowed and small children must not be carried up or down, due to the steep concrete steps. The volunteers weren’t too sure about letting our determined three-year-old do it alone, but he managed it without a problem.

The winding stairways are pretty narrow and the last section is a vertical ladder. However, the 360 degree view from the top makes it worthwhile!

The view from the top of Spurn Point lighthouse

There are a few displays on the various floors on the way up, explaining the history of the lighthouse. It is manned by a group of friendly volunteers, who can also answer any questions.

How to get to Spurn Point

Visiting Spurn Point involves a bit of a drive, but you could easily spend a day there, especially if the weather is good.

It is a little off the beaten track, but can be reached via the A1033 from Hull. After turning off onto the B1445, you then follow a minor road to Kilnsea. We found this last bit of the drive quite strange, as you pass through an industrial estate and we kept wondering if we were going the right way! However, you will eventually reach the Discovery Centre. Parking is free for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust members and £5 for non-members.

Spurn Point is just over three miles long, but as little as 50 metres wide at some points. It can be explored in a number of ways, including by foot or on one of the centre’s Unimog tours. 

Can you drive to Spurn Point?

You can only drive to the Discovery Centre at Spurn Point. But you then have to walk the rest of the way or take a Unimog tour if you want to reach the lighthouse. Some of the paths are paved and can be used by pushchairs, but certain sections, like the beach, aren’t very pram friendly.

If you’re planning on exploring more of Yorkshire, check out this post on the best beaches in North Yorkshire. Plus, discover the beauty of Brimham Rocks and things to do in Scarborough with kids.